<i>Angry Management </i>by Chris Crutcher | Teen Ink

Angry Management by Chris Crutcher MAG

January 10, 2014
By Calvin Tang BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
Calvin Tang BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chris Crutcher's novels are known to be controversial. His writing often deals with real issues and emotional struggles. Angry Management is no exception. The story follows a group of mismatched teenagers, each with their own problems and conflicts. Crutcher hits hard with heartbreaking events and believable characters. This book is perfect for the teenager who enjoys reading about the lives of high school students. He throws the reader into the realistic problems of each character.

Each story is totally relatable for readers, whether you have problems with your parents or can't get along with others. The details Crutcher puts into his characters make their tales even more believable and real. They give insight into what many teens have to deal with.

In addition to the amazing story, Crutcher doesn't hold anything back. He uses vulgar words and harsh events. His writing is the perfect representation of high school and the real world. He tells the story of an obese and insecure boy trying to help a girl with an abusive father and a distant mother; a rebellious, adopted daughter with something against her powerful foster father; a gay, black teenager who is bullied; and another kid who is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. These touchy subjects are what gives Angry Management its power and realism, making it the perfect choice for teenage readers.

Overall, I really enjoyed Angry Management. It was a short read packed with different experiences and emotional events. If you're looking for a novel with an interesting plot, this is for you.


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Lanimal SILVER said...
on Jan. 14 2014 at 11:56 pm
Lanimal SILVER, Thornton, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.&quot;<br /> -Edmund Hillary

Great review! :) I want to read this now..... any other Chris Crutcher books you'd recommend?