Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

August 18, 2014
By Ua___ BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Ua___ BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This summer I read the novel Divergent written by Veronica Roth. The book's genre is Science-Fiction and Dystopia.The setting of this book is a futuristic Chicago. The Main Character of this book is a girl named Tris. The other main characters are two men: the first named Four, and the second named Eric. Eric is a man that is a part of the Dauntless Faction and treats people with a cruel heart and an evil mind. After a war that killed many people the survivors were split up into groups called Factions. The groups were determined by how a person thought the war started. Abnegation, the selfless, were formed by those who blamed the war on selfishness. Amity the peaceful ones were the ones who blamed the war on violence. Candor the honest were formed by the ones who thought the war started because of lying and dishonesty. The brave ones called Dauntless were formed based on how they thought the war started because of cowardice. The Erudite, the intelligent ones, started because they blamed the war on stupidity.
Since the main character's parents were both Abnegation she grew up as one. When you reach a certain age you are able to choose your own faction, so after Tris and her brother, Caleb, take their tests telling them what they are Tris turns out to be a Divergent. A Divergent is someone who can belong to more than one faction, has a strong mindset, and who the Factions can't control, so some of the Factions try to kill them, considering them to be rebels, so Tris must keep the fact that she is Divergent a secret. Tris now has to choose between three factions and they are Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. At the choosing ceremony Tris chooses Dauntless. She then starts a training to try and become a part of Dauntless. She encounters many challenges that test you to see if you are brave enough to be a part of Dauntless. She and the other initiates who were not born into the Dauntless Faction are trained by Four. I think a quote that was very important to this book is, "And I can't be controlled." This quote is important to the book because the theme of this book is that people shouldn't control other people's feelings and personalities. This book made me feel grateful that our current government isn't like this. I think that if you like to read books like Hunger Games and Matched you should read this book and the rest of the books in this series. If you prefer to read shorter books or non-fiction then this isn't really for you, but it's always good to try something new.


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