Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte | Teen Ink

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

May 17, 2016
By LuthienTenuvial SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
LuthienTenuvial SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte, is a classic story that certainly lives up to its high reputation.  The book follows the life of title character Jane Eyre, from early childhood to late in life. Told simply and beautifully, Jane Eyre features, in addition to its absorbing plot, detailed descriptions of the English countryside, and insightful thoughts on humankind.

When the book starts, young Jane is living with her aunt and cousins, thoroughly miserable. She is severely mistreated, and often punished harshly. Her one friend and champion, Bessie, is a gruff but affectionate servant. As the story progresses, Jane escapes the tedium of Gateshead, and goes to school. After a duration of several years at Lowood School, Jane becomes a governess in Thornfield mansion. The house turns out to be full of secrets and surprises, including the enigmatic Mr. Rochester.  After Jane leaves Thornfield, she ends up in a small town, and finds friends in unexpected places. After a long series of adventures, the book concludes with a finally happy Jane.

I found this book very enjoyable, not only because of the beautiful writing, but because of the believability of the characters. They were all deep and complicated, and none of them made unrealistic decisions. The only thing that I had trouble believing in was Jane’s love for Mr. Rochester. It seemed unlikely that sensible Jane would fall in love with such a man; however, I liked Mr. Rochester much better after watching the BBC movie version. Overall, Jane Eyre was a fantastic book that was well worth the time that it took to read.

Things to watch for: some cruelty and difficult/old-fashioned words.

Recommended age: 14

The author's comments:

After reading Jane Eyre, I wanted to share how great it was with the rest of the world.


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