The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

July 25, 2016
By EmoijahMelinaB. GOLD, Lauderhill, Florida
EmoijahMelinaB. GOLD, Lauderhill, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all know the phrase, “It’s better to have lost and loved.” The popular saying is already categorized on media as another irritating cliché phrase, except the theme goes along perfectly with New York Time’s bestselling The Fault in Our Stars – and this novel is anything but cliché. John Green’s young adult book sped to international bestselling lists and received high acclaims by many. It’s the type of book you can read over and over again, and each time, miss something special because the story is so distinctive in our modern literary world.

The story is about 16-year-old Hazel, who like any typical teen, is trying to find her life but faces the terrible consuming war of cancer. One day, during her usual unenthusiastic Support Group, she meets Augustus Waters who changers her life forever. Augustus is frankly unrealistic; he isn’t the type of person you’d ever meet. With his bold and shining personality, Waters really is the ultimate ideal of perfectionism. However, the special focus isn’t on Augustus himself, but the relationship between him and Hazel. John Green emphasizes their relationship on hilarious moments, disagreements, and an unbreakable friendship. The Fault in Our Stars teaches young adults so much because it makes a bold statement that life is simply impossible without a touch of humor or a bucket of love.
This book gets a 9/10. It’s highly recommended for those who loves a good story that will touch their heart and make them ponder for days.


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