Breaking Bad Review | Teen Ink

Breaking Bad Review

November 4, 2022
By LukeCarambatos BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
LukeCarambatos BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Breaking Bad Review

Breaking Bad is about a highschool chemistry teacher that goes into the drug buisness. He cooks meth and he is good at it because of his chemisty experience he makes friends and enemys. Overall, the plot and characters are excellent. How and why the characters are what they are and do what they do is also played very well. The audience is supposed to feel bad for Walter White because he has a reason but over time in the story you start to see him change into the villian. The audience feels bad for him even though he does things that he souldn’t. Another main character Jesse Pinkman starts off as a bad guy even though the audience still supports him. Then, some Walter and some other characters use him and he turns into the good guy kind of trapped in this world he can’t get out of. Saul Goodman is arguably the third most relevant character in the Breaking Bad series. Saul is a lawyer that doesn’t always do things the legal way. If he has an end goal in mind he will do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal. Saul Goodman’s character knows a lot about legal loopholes and uses them often. In a spin off of Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul it’s all about Saul Goodman and how he became what he was. Overall, Breaking Bad is a great television series to watch with great characters and a great plot. 

The author's comments:

This review is about a popular television series called Breaking Bad. The series is very popular and a lot of people want to watch the show. I am giving my review of it.


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