Twilight VS Harry Potter | Teen Ink

Twilight VS Harry Potter

July 1, 2009
By YogaGirl SILVER, Williamstown, New York
YogaGirl SILVER, Williamstown, New York
9 articles 5 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can clearly see you're the daughter of a mother's aunt's grand-mother's uncle's father's grandaughter's daughter."~~~ "Wouldn't that make me a poptart?!"

Being a fan of both Twilight and Potter, this should be interesting.

Since I am basing this on the
movie(s) not the book, I'm going to tell you right now - Harry Potter is winning. The twilight movie was so fake sometimes that it just kind of made the movie loose it's 'sparkle'. Catherine Hardwickie (I don't know if I spelled her name right - sorry) was very talented, and the movie wasn't horrible... but it disappointed me. By fake, I mean some of the smallest things, like Bella Swan putting ketchup on her veggie burger (yeah, since when was she a vegan?!). Has anyone noticed how extremely FAKE that looks? You can see the end of the bottle and nothing's coming out, although she's shaking it. It makes it feel more like a joke than a movie scene.

Onto Harry Potter. I am NOT going to judge Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter) on the play he just did (although that was EXTREMELY disturbing. something called Equu...? or something like that). In the movies, Harry is pretty great. The new one coming out is pretty cool looking - I mean, so many special effects!!!! Now, Jacob Black isn't wandering around in THAT movie, so Harry stands no chance AGAINST him (yet another one of my opinions)

The author's comments:
PS.) I am not dissing the Cullens. In fact, they are absolutely better than Potter... in the book. The movie I think was destroyed, sort of. So anyway, I guess I'll just have to wait and see how New Moon turns out.


This article has 5 comments.

on Jan. 24 2011 at 3:24 pm
Kara_Hikaru SILVER, Plaquemine, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live your life like you want to, because the people who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."~ Unknown

Personally, I like both HP and Twilight books. I read them all. The reason I didn't like the movies was because in the movie they have no emotion. Their characters are so bland that it is as if they don't have minds of their own. At least in the books they have emotions. HP is better with the movies and books (just my opinion) but we shouldn't hate on Twilight either.

on Oct. 5 2009 at 6:15 pm
YogaGirl SILVER, Williamstown, New York
9 articles 5 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can clearly see you're the daughter of a mother's aunt's grand-mother's uncle's father's grandaughter's daughter."~~~ "Wouldn't that make me a poptart?!"

Don't worry, about a month ago (long after I posted this story), I decided to watch the HP movies more, and read the books over. As I read, I realize that I certainly think it has more plot and it IS more realistic. And wow, some of those reasons were insane!!! XD Who writes, "Because it is" XXD Don't worry, I am back to being a loyal HP fan.

on Oct. 5 2009 at 6:11 pm
YogaGirl SILVER, Williamstown, New York
9 articles 5 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can clearly see you're the daughter of a mother's aunt's grand-mother's uncle's father's grandaughter's daughter."~~~ "Wouldn't that make me a poptart?!"

:) Tha's cool.

on Oct. 4 2009 at 3:38 pm
COLTSFAN52392, Indianapolis, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your my own brand of herion

I think Twilight is better and I am a fan of both(Twilight & Harry Potter). The reason why I like Twilight better than Harry Potter because I love the whole thing bout vampires. It is really good and I think people just hate on Twilight and it is really stupid.But I really dont care because it is their opinion,So that is my pick between them to.

PotterLuvr said...
on Sep. 30 2009 at 9:01 pm
Harry Potter is better any day and in every way.

These are some of the arguments that I've heard on numerous sites supporting Twilight:

-The Twilight people are prettier!

-The Harry Potter books are for smart people! (I am not making this one up! I've heard it 4 times on one site from different people!)

-It just is!

-There's no love in Harry Potter!

-Twilight is more realistic!

-This is one I heard that made me roll on the floor in laughter:

"And when you read the twilight series its a series you can put down, you know, cause it's boring. The HP books would keep you up, too exciting. That's why Twilight is waaay better than Harry Potter."

That's the exact quote.

Okay, here's my response.

-There are more important things than appearance! Any Harry Potter fan knows that. Meyer cannot quite grip that concept.

-Um, if you're saying Harry Potter is for smart people, what does that say about Twilight? That it's for stupid people? What a compliment...

-"It just is" is NOT a valid reason. At least state WHY you think it is better.

-How is there no love in Harry Potter? Harry Potter is all about love! It's about how love is the most powerful thing in the world! There's unrequited love, friendship love, family love, motherly/fatherly love, and a little romance as well. Oh, you mean there's no good looking creeper stalking the helpless main character. Bella and Edward are NOT in love; it is merely lust and obsession caused by neither character having a life. The only thing Bella "loves" about Edward is his beauty, as well as his eternal life.

-Even though Harry Potter has more magic, it is still more realistic that Twilight. Do you know why? Because Harry Potter characters go through realistic emotions. Hogwarts is still a school, and it shows real situations we all can relate to. Harry Potter shows the characters growing up, and I have been lucky enough to grow up with them. Twilight's school is a place where you're automatically popular unless you're a vampire. There are NO realistic emotions within any of the characters, who don't have personalities. Nothing to relate to.

-Um... okay. I always found that a good book keeps you excited and hungering for more. I don't like books that bore me. But to each his own, right?

Twilight is anti feminist and unbearably shallow. There is NO moral. Living forever is NOT a good thing, but like I said, Meyer is too shallow to figure that much out. JK Rowling deals with all kinds of depth, and every time you read it you find something new, even if you've read it 15 times already.

All Bella does the entire series is whine and complain non-stop. Oh, she does pause occasionally to talk about how pretty her sparkly vampire is. She is so pathetic, it is beyond words. She's also extremely rude and abusive towards her friends, using them when it is beneficial for her and then dumping them like garbage. She's not the only abusive one. Edward abuses Bella. He manipulates her and dominates her and controls her life. This is NOT "selflessness". Meyer tries to pass it off like it is, but it doesn't take a genius to see that it isn't.

Harry Potter is better that Twilight in every way, shape and form. Twilight is a fad that will disappear in a few years. Harry Potter will live on forever. :)

HARRY POTTER > twilight

(BTW: After reading Eclipse, I threw the book out my bedroom window, retrieved it, and repeated this action several times. It was extremely satisfying XD)