Remember The Titans | Teen Ink

Remember The Titans

April 22, 2013
By Michael Needles BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Michael Needles BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember the Titans

The civil rights movement, high school football, and one coach to bring together opposites. “Remember The Titans” is a movie that brings all of these into play.

This movie is a touching true story that takes place during the civil rights movement about a newly integrated school called T.C. Williams High School. It’s more about the football team where the old coach who was headed to the hall of fame gets bumped down to assistant under the new black coach, Coach Boone. They overcome many obstacles and go through problems.

All of the actors did a phenomenal job, but the performance of Denzel Washington as Coach Boone really stuck out. He gave so much passion and gave you the real feelings that the characters felt. Another very good performance was Wood Harris as Julius Campbell who played a black player forced to room and bond with a white player that was not too happy about the idea.

The movie was very good and showed how it’s possible to get through even the toughest struggles. It showed many funny scenes and also serious scenes. Many parts were long and drawn out, though. But, besides those few and uncommon scenes the storyline really did keep you glued to the screen.

There were so many lessons in this story, but the most obvious one was equality between races. Everybody is created equal which is displayed in this amazing story.

People ranging from sports fans to history fanatics will enjoy this movie. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good story. I wouldn’t recommend it to people who don’t like sports. This film is PG so, not everyone can watch it, but that doesn’t mean that there are bad scenes in it. this film all around was very good and I would rate it a four out of five stars.


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