the great and powerful oz | Teen Ink

the great and powerful oz

April 25, 2013
By Kaia C BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Kaia C BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The movie “the great and powerful oz” is an n excellent movie for the whole family. Any age would like this movie because it’s funny, exciting, and just an amazing movie.

This movie is great because it has suspense. This movie will have you on the edge of your seat. Also “the great and powerful oz” has a great twist in the last hour of the movie that you wouldn’t accept.

The moral of the movie is that money mare mares. From this you learn that you can learn that you don’t need money to be happy. The oz was poor and thought that money is everything he wanted. When he reaches the Land of Oz he realizes that money gives you all this worry. Any age would like this movie. This movie is rated PG. “the great and powerful oz” is a good.

The movie begins in black and white with a poor man named oz who lives in kinas. He performs magic show to make money. One day a tornado comes and takes him away to the Land of OZ in his hot air balloon. As soon as he gets there trouble happens.

This movie is ? ? ? ? ? because it is an absolute favorite of mines. It has excitement and suspense. Has some adventure and really funny. This truly is an amazing movie for the whole entire family.


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