X-Men: Days of Future Past | Teen Ink

X-Men: Days of Future Past

May 11, 2018
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

 X-Men: Days of Future Past involves the X-Men, but in a somewhat distant future. in this future, there are machines that have been designed to adapt to kill mutants that are enhilating the entire mutant race. In order to save mutants forever, the Wolverine figures that he must be sent back in time, through the help of another mutant, and help to prevent Raven from making a mistake that will forever alter the timeline. 

 Probably the most exciting and suspensful X-Men movie, the entire movie is interesting and keeps the watcher on his or her toes. The entire fate of the future rests in the Wolverine's hands, and the Wolverine must deliver. Whenever the Wolverine is delivered his own movie, he usually delivers and this movie is no exception. This movie leads up to expectations and then exceeds them. Seeing some of the mutants in their younger selves is exciting and catches the watcher's attention. X-Men: Days of Future Past might be the greatest X-Men movie of all.

The author's comments:

The best X-Men movie to date. 


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