Jerk | Teen Ink

Jerk MAG

January 2, 2009
By Christina BRONZE, Clifton, Virginia
Christina BRONZE, Clifton, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 26 comments

I love your voice,
your soft brown hair.
I love your eyes
and love your stare.

I love your laugh,
your cocky smirk,
your stupid jokes.
You precious jerk,

you know I do.
I want my hands
all through your hair
each treasured strand.

I’m wrapped around
your finger still.
Am I yet yours?
Your love does kill

the things I hold
so close to me
and yet you’re the
best jerk I see.

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This article has 1558 comments.

Ryan_N said...
on May. 3 2016 at 4:39 pm
omg. Much amaze, much wow!

Tkenns BRONZE said...
on Apr. 21 2016 at 8:40 pm
Tkenns BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 25 comments
It's got a nice feel. You wrote it very well!!! I know this gets annoying and is kinda cheesy, but I really need some people to read over my poems. I was just wondering if anyone had the time to check out and comment any criticism on my post much appreciated!!!

dpurdy said...
on Mar. 23 2016 at 1:19 pm
dpurdy, Craryville Ny, New York
0 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
always love yourself no matter what.

omg i love this poem

JWALK said...
on Feb. 18 2016 at 1:41 pm
I love how easily I can relate to this poem.

Jwalk said...
on Feb. 18 2016 at 1:39 pm
I love how easily I can relate to your poem.

Jamerson said...
on Feb. 11 2016 at 12:10 pm
Jamerson, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't regret anything because at one point it was what you wanted." -Unknown

No, you're right. It is plagerism if she takes credit for it.

DogLover1 GOLD said...
on Jan. 13 2016 at 8:59 pm
DogLover1 GOLD, Olympia, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
The Only Dancer You Should Compare Yourself To, Is The One You Used To Be

Amazing poem!

on Jan. 8 2016 at 1:41 pm
LongLifeStory, Mobile, Alabama
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Live every day like its your last.

That was really awesome.

on Jan. 6 2016 at 2:06 pm
Love_Live_Write BRONZE, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 7 comments
This is a really great piece that I honestly love! I really admire how you were able to portray so many emotions in one poem!

on Nov. 29 2015 at 9:35 pm
Caycethepoet SILVER, Spartanburg, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments
This is so simple, yet so beautiful and relatable. I love it!

on Nov. 10 2015 at 1:15 pm
itss.tere BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I love this so much ! I can relate to it cause i use to know someone like that. My heart literally hurts cause i'm remembering the amazing memories i had with that guy!

waish SILVER said...
on Nov. 10 2015 at 1:27 am
waish SILVER, Ranchi, Other
7 articles 3 photos 8 comments
wow love this poem. and if you guys have a minute than see this stuff of mine and vote if you like

on Nov. 5 2015 at 1:28 pm
eitbse@ew BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
“Jerk” Your poems are the ones I like to read. I am a freak for romance. You captured how he looked and traits, so your readers could have a image of what he looked like. You did a great job on this.

on Sep. 2 2015 at 9:23 pm
Literally made my heart hurt. There's a guy that is a total jerk, but I still have a crush on him..... but for me one of the aspects is the delicious cologne..

Merveille GOLD said...
on Jun. 23 2015 at 12:51 pm
Merveille GOLD, Fulham, Other
14 articles 0 photos 14 comments
you have no reason to apologize.Everybody's experience is different.when this happened to me, i looked back and laughed.Why doesn't @CeceE14 say the same to the 24 people who it "MADE ME LAUGH"

on May. 26 2015 at 12:57 am
Caraid56 BRONZE, Moss Vale, Other
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments
So true! Truly beautiful

babyxrs SILVER said...
on May. 23 2015 at 4:48 pm
babyxrs SILVER, Holtville, California
5 articles 4 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Nothing hurts more than being dissapointed by the single person you thought would never hurt you.

Nice work :)

on Apr. 23 2015 at 11:27 am
_Tennessee_Love_ BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨the difference between promises and memories, is that we break promise and memories break us.¨

Beautifully written, I can relate to this very well, although the hair color would be changed to red haha, but still a wonderful piece keep up the work!

on Apr. 12 2015 at 1:52 pm
wait, isn't that plagiarism, unless you ask permission or aknowledge them? Or I am I being completely dumb and youre doing something perfectly alright? If you are, im really sorry. -Justwondering

on Apr. 9 2015 at 11:18 pm
dizzypotato_202, San Bernardino, California
0 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your anger is like the bubbles in a can of soda. The more you're shaken, the more you want to let it all out. The longer you keep it in though, the greater the size of the eventual explosion- and the flatter the drink at the end." -Linkin Park

Pretty... love it