한국계 미국인 (Korean American) | Teen Ink

한국계 미국인 (Korean American)

October 1, 2023
By JK695 BRONZE, Irvine, California
JK695 BRONZE, Irvine, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

America is the land of opportunity, where all come in hope

My parents immigrated to this new community

Only to be interloped

2003 the arrival

Constantly clueless

The struggle for survival

The journey to their dreams endless

So they pass them on, The regime…

For the American Dream, To me, the new dawn

My parents’ dreams bestowed, Forced to follow their road

Traditions in view, Yet aspirations rise 

Balancing old and new, Attempting to compromise

Expectations weigh upon me 

My parents observing my growth in glee

Someday when I gain the courage

I seek to forage

My own independent identity

 But this anchor of expectations 

Seem to last for infinity

The author's comments:

This poem is about the struggles my parents have gone through as first-generation immigrants in the United States and the adversities that I encounter as a second-generation immigrant. Essentially, I wanted to invite the readers to reflect on the complexities and aspirations of immigrant families in the United States.

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