Breaking up is Hard. | Teen Ink

Breaking up is Hard.

October 6, 2023
By alangla07 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
alangla07 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you picture how the weather would be when you're going to break up with someone it would be gloomy and depressing. Well ironically it was when I was going to break up with my girlfriend. The walk from my house to hers was always such a stress reliever and made me really happy. Today was the opposite. I was sad and thought to myself “Why am I even doing this?”, “Do I really want to end things?”. As I approach her house I stop in front of the door and tell myself “You know what this isn’t going to be the end.”

The author's comments:

This short story is about my personal experience and is based on a real life situation. I wanted to write about this and publish it for anyone that is going through hardships in their relationship. If you are GIVE THE PERSON A CHANCE!!!! Obviously everyone's situation is different so you should always do what you think is best but always consider to grow from the problem rather than break up because of the problem. Me and my girlfriend are still together after me not breaking up with her and I am so happy that I stayed and we talked about the problem rather than breaking up and leaving her. 

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