Students | Teen Ink


October 16, 2023
By Ryleereser BRONZE, Elkhart, Indiana
Ryleereser BRONZE, Elkhart, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This poem is for the students who are scared to go to school

For the students who pay more attention to the people around them than their work.

For the students who are scared they might have to see their best friend's body on the floor. 

This is for students who walk into school praying they make it out alive.

Students that hope they fall asleep in the same bed they woke up from

For the students who mentally prepare to send that “I love you” text to there parent

For the students who stomach sinks when the overhead speakers come on at random times.

This poem is for the students who stay home from school because they can’t leave their bed because they are worried about their safety. 

For the students who watch the news and worry if their school is next.

This poem is for the kids who have lost their lives due to a school shooter. 

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