Everyone's different | Teen Ink

Everyone's different

October 17, 2023
By Anonymous

Everybody on my team swings a different bat.  From a beaten-down old bat to a shiny fresh out of wrapper bat.  The heavy old Demarini Voodoo swung by the DH has been his old reliable for years on end, it’s like the food you eat when you need to go back to your favorite things.  The new bright Gold VooDoo swung by the big boys on the team.  It’s the stick you pick up in the woods and start to swing.  The Demarini Goods swung by the big boys on the team always lets you know that they are there hitting.  It’s the broken-down tree that falls during the big storm.  The Cat-X is loud like the car kid showing off his engine.  The ping sounds just like a lightning bolt hitting the ground.

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