A tribute to Anne Frank | Teen Ink

A tribute to Anne Frank

November 16, 2023
By LDeArmitt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
LDeArmitt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Without freedom, misery hangs in the air

Trapped and crammed inside of an attic

Not able to leave

For the outside was dangerous as a dagger

The attic sighed it’s dank air

As she inhaled its stench

Longing to breathe in the pure oxygen

Longing to lie under the dancing trees


Without freedom, misery hangs in the air

The downcast atmosphere is a poison dart

The ghosts of all past arguments

Hanging around the same blank walls

That she wishes had a window

That she wishes she could open

And taste freedom

Set all of the memories free

Without freedom, misery hangs in the air

These feelings must be overcome

She reaches for her dear diary

Feeling the smooth cover

Until she opens to see crisp pages

Every word from the tip of her pen

Is in the most positive light

A world that seems to be invisible

To everyone but her

Without freedom, misery hangs in the air

It’s been so long

Since she’s been free

She would do almost anything to reunite

With her old friend nature

She writes again about everything until-

A sudden noise

A pounding fist at the door

Has the war ended?

She thinks amazedly about going outside once more

She finally gets what she longed for

All of these years.. for nothing

For Anne to get dragged away

Into the wrath of the concentration camp

The fate of poor young Anne

What can be done about it?

Here’s what: we share her story

We spread it like a disease

Pass around the story until there’s not one person

Who hasn’t heard about Anne Frank

Tell the story so many times

Tell it until every word is indented into their heads

Make sure that nobody ever forgets

About the life, faith, and fate

Of the lovely, bright eyed, radiant

Anne Frank

The author's comments:

An inspiring poem about the life of Anne Frank, and how she will always be remembered.

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