Bibliophile | Teen Ink


November 27, 2023
By nyamich BRONZE, Hanford, California
nyamich BRONZE, Hanford, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have laid eyes upon an interesting book

The cover seemed to have caught my eye

Beautiful colors, intricate craftsmanship

Oh, delightful!

Pink, gold, white

A spine worth tracing my finger upon

To assess the pages within should be honorary

A privilege to touch

How I wanted thee

But I simply could not wait any longer

I force open the book 

How effortless that was

Orange, yellow, green

To feel this potency travel through me

I begin to stare down at the words

Like a wolf drools at the sight of its prey 

I could not care about the complexity of it’s writing

Or how long the author must’ve taken to perfect it

It was too divine to put down

Too breathtaking to stop

I can’t get enough

Red, black, blue

What did the book say?

Was the story worth reading?

Oh silly me,

The binding was alluring. Surely the exterior neutralizes my actions

Why was it so irresistibly drawn if the main purpose was intended for me to peruse what was inside?

I need it no longer. 

How ambiguous.

The author's comments:

This poem is up to interpretation based on the reader.

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