contemptuous vitality | Teen Ink

contemptuous vitality

December 25, 2023
By Anonymous

walks with her tongue out and skin showing-

grinning always like she refuses to put

her mouth and mind away for some

person (boring) to condemn because contrarians-

never count their blessings or moan in their

misery for too long or too much 

they tell her to stop it because she bucks

them off like an unruly untamed mare and

they hate the ride and the thrill

even though she covers her eyes through

the journey because only the feeling and

the fear and the fun matter

in the very end- and if she stopped wearing

those crimson sticky polish on her uncut nails-

so wrong and so off and so right to

a wild crazy girl that only gets more wild

and crazy as the sun goes down and the moon

comes up (time doesn’t stop for sleep) 

if she stuck her tongue back in her mouth

and covered herself in gray cloth and learned

to curtsy instead of stumbling all over

the place like someone drunk on life and wanting

more wine in their mouth then she would have to

stop living.

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