The Pressures of Life | Teen Ink

The Pressures of Life

January 17, 2024
By Anonymous

Children nowadays have so much pressure,

Being taught their own future by their own professor.

Most kids don't even know what they want to be when they grow up,

How are we expecting them to choose a career in high school?

Kids wanna have fun, they wanna be free,

But we’re expecting them to choose a career at the age of fourteen.

Getting good grades to get into the prestigious colleges,

That's their life and nothing else, we feed them this knowledge,

They forget what it's like to be a human,

We make them robots, reciting passages,

Were not even helping them were doing more damage,

We can't even see the future they have,

Its shut down before they have a chance to explain,

What it's like to be a child in this day and age.

All im saying is give us a chance,

We don't wanna live in your own trance,

Teach us what it's like to be an adult,

I promise we can learn the way to live as a result.

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