What am I to Do? | Teen Ink

What am I to Do?

July 4, 2010
By Mr.Russell27 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Mr.Russell27 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Being me is a gift and a curse because even though I'm the best they wish me the worst.

Where will I start?
or have I already began?
they say we can't prosper in the fast life, but I think we can
and actually I can't really speed at the moment
'cause the road's bouta split and I don't know which way I'm goin
Wat could it be?
Is this a bad omen?
I know when somethin' glitters, don't mean that it's golden
although it's somethin' shinin' at the end of every road
but I can't worry about that, I gotta stay focused
Though it's so far away, it seems so hopeless
What am I to do?
Self, I don't wanna lie to you
I know what you want but really,
I think there might be somethin' better that I could do
But succeed and prosper is all I wanna try to do
and right now all I'll listen to is me
to let me know exactly what I should to
I'll make the impossible possible
not necessarily worried bout what I oughta' do
gotta do what I gotta do
So once again I ask myself, What am I to do?
Then I said self, you lead the way
and I'll be sure to follow you.

The author's comments:
To explain where I am mentally because of all the directions my life can possibly go now that I'm out of high school.

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