Quick to Judge | Teen Ink

Quick to Judge

December 1, 2010
By XSlippdAwayX SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
XSlippdAwayX SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.

A stranger standing beside me
Pale, opaque, vague
Dead on the outside but bright within
I’m quick to judge the mess that I see.
Once a shining prom queen
Money handed out to her
Boys flocking her way
Now tired and weak
Struggles to keep food in the fridge
Has five kids, unsupported
Cries herself to sleep at night
I’m quick to judge the mess that I see.

The author's comments:
So this piece is on how we put people into categories, and the way we judge our appearances rather then the character in us...

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