Dancing, Guitars, and Courting in French | Teen Ink

Dancing, Guitars, and Courting in French

January 20, 2011
By Reney BRONZE, Anacortes, Washington
Reney BRONZE, Anacortes, Washington
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.” -The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera

It's undeniable your pronunciation is spot on
And you'd love it if we could talk
To ourselves
Without other people listening

That grip on my wrist is what you use
To drag me onto the dance floor
With dancers
Who really don't know how to dance
(We do though)

You've got a tendency to charm with those
Shady blue eyes of yours and that
Whiskey tinged
Voice that's so out of place

But that boy in love with me
Way up North where you don't go
Really hates
The way you're following me around
(I'm sure you got the point when he tackled you to the ground)

And the word around the street is
We're falling in love with
Something started
In a span of an hour

But I'm still sleeping on your pillow
And you're still singing me to sleep
And we
Really couldn't find a time to care
(Because what do people really know of love at first sight?)

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