Jealousy | Teen Ink


December 18, 2010
By Lexie Mochan SILVER, Walworth, New York
Lexie Mochan SILVER, Walworth, New York
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

A fire rages deep in my soul
As my face turns more and more green.
My jaw simply drops as I begin
to rethink what this could possibly mean.
The gears start turning in my head
As I come up with something to say.
But when I go to speak, I stutter
And squeak until I just run away.
I ask my friends if I over react,
But their words are fuel to my fire.
And as I complain it begins
again to rise higher and higher.

It takes over me just like a disease
with no cure in sight.
But there's nothing I can do, I'm not
over you, so I'll leave without a fight.

Next time she's near I'll be sure to steer
Clear of her and this awful feeling.
When you're jealous and green it's pretty
Obscene, and ugly and unappealing.

So I'll walk away with nothing to
say, and scower as she makes her move.
But it's unfair, that I don't get a
Chance, and have to leave you without a clue.

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