Restore my spirit along with the eagle's | Teen Ink

Restore my spirit along with the eagle's

February 25, 2011
By scarsoftheforgotten SILVER, Midland, Michigan
scarsoftheforgotten SILVER, Midland, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

what is this i feel?
is it sadness'
fear, or hope?
the past is overwhelming
pinning me against these lies
burning my flesh rising
into the skies
up in smoke in sense
similar to incense burning

O Lord, I beseech thee
send your mercy and love
to restore and cleanse
the guilt, the pain
remind me of your unfailing love
through your promises,
from the skies

Don't let this feeling feed
the flies of he who
destroys the body,
who damages the soul.
The one in flames,
constantly afire,
spreading throughout the forest
that is my wandering spirit

Until I am one with you.
One in spirit adjacent to
your holy, sinless, perfect
merciful and gracious
spirit, I reside in thee.

The author's comments:
At the time this was written, I felt as though my faith in God was fading away.

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