Night of Tricks and Treats | Teen Ink

Night of Tricks and Treats

October 13, 2011
By Emeraldstar SILVER, Bland, Missouri
Emeraldstar SILVER, Bland, Missouri
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Skeletons rise up from their earthly graves,
werewolves howl at their transformer in the sky,
vampires suck the blood from mindless creatures,
mummies return to the realm of the living
to protect their homes of the dead,
Zombies sniff out for our brains,
phantoms haunt as tricksters try to sleep this fateful night,
and Witches stir their caldron of Wizards Brew.
Some of us party ‘til middle night
after eating and drinking
bat wings,
eyeball punch,
finger fries,
jell-o Brains,
and of course Blood, BLOOD.

Little kids
skip out begging
in the endless chant
of ‘Trick or Treat’.
I’ve always wondered, why don’t we say,
‘Give me your candy or what ever you have and I’ll leave.’
And why dress up
like some funny or scary character
from Scooby-Doo or Harry Potter.
I use to dress up, but not now.
I’ve simply grew up,
to someone I am
not someone I want to be.
But there will always be that itch
that wanting to pretend.

Happy All Hallows Ever,
or Halloween.

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