Darkness | Teen Ink


December 13, 2011
By Looeee BRONZE, Auckland, Other
Looeee BRONZE, Auckland, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
See the beauty still around you and be happy

Bodies broken on the street
Blood gushing, pooling at their feet
People hurtling venomous words
Throwing them at dark-skinned or
Fair-haired brothers

Grinning girls with freckles dotting their noses
Skipping, singing-
A hand taking from them, hurting, stealing what is not theirs to take

Hands beating, bruising
Sending weaker vessels flying,
Into a wall
Crash. Blood.
Because of hurting hands, blackness.

Everywhere, Innocence is lost
Freed into the atmosphere, where humanity cannot use it, released by a murderers hand

Everywhere, Innocence is sold
By shadowed faces under cold masks, bargaining bodies-women and children

Everywhere, Innocence is forgotten...
Hands bloodied in unwarranted fights, in the abduction, manipulation, twisting, anddegradationn of human rights

In the faces of even the little ones innocence is snuffed out.
Their light is gone...

Evil  blew the candle out. 

The author's comments:
I cannot wait until the Lord returns, and he sorts all the bad stuff happening in the world out. I wrote this after reading a true story about a girl who was countlessly molested by a babysitter. It angered me so much!

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