The Truth | Teen Ink

The Truth

January 12, 2012
By WickedA93 SILVER, Amelia, Virginia
WickedA93 SILVER, Amelia, Virginia
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take joy in who you are We know our wings are flawed" Fallen Angels ~ Black Veil Brides

Tears pour down my face
Leaving little salt trails
As I listen to the words he speaks
He speaks them not to me
But to my soul.
Every word he says cuts straight
Into the very core of my being.
I know every word is true
Though I wish it was not so.
“Forgiveness is the only way”
“Let go”
“Make the best of every moment
For it is given to you only once”
“Forgive yourself
As I have forgiven you”
He know the words,
He knows how to make me cry,
But he also knows what I need,
I need to hear this.
I need to understand.
I look around me,
At the pictures he has painted.
None of them are pretty:
All clouded with darkness and pain.
Why am I cloaked with all this despair?
Why is this world filled with hurt?
Where did my sunshine go?
But he, the one who cares,
Knows: for he says;
“Be not afraid of the light,
It must get worse before it gets better.
I am your light,
I love you.
Never forget that even though you feel
Someone out there cares….
And one of them is me”
I try to staunch the tears
As his words…so right,
Fill me with a longing,
To fix everything again and never
Cause you pain again.
The truth…..
Spoken to the soul.

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