"Father"; Noun & Verb | Teen Ink

"Father"; Noun & Verb

April 16, 2013
By NickDC SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
NickDC SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

FATHER is more than a noun
Father isn't JUST a word.
It's a full time job
FATHER is a verb.
A FATHER is responsible
A FATHER is protective
A FATHER isn't found
Using a private detective.
A FATHER sits down
To tell his kids a story
A FATHER isn't found
By DNA tests on Maury
See, a father stays by his children
Gives them all kinds of knowledge
Discipline's his kids
And can push them through college
Having a p**** makes you a male
It's easy to comprehend
VERY simple to understand.
Don't tell me you're a father
When you're really a baby daddy
That's like me saying I'm a pro-golfer
When I'm Phil Mickelson's caddy.
A child is a blessing
Not just random dead weight
Don't use one for charity
Or child support bait.
You really need to be there
Through the good AND the bad
So your seed can make sure
They can call on their dad.
And a woman needs a husband
For support through thick and thin
One to help with the kids
And deal with the kin
So when you go to make a child
Don't just lie there with satisfaction
Because FATHER is a verb
So that means take some action.

The author's comments:
A real thought provoker

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