Feelings | Teen Ink


October 31, 2014
By Fallen_Angel96 SILVER, Columbus, Texas
Fallen_Angel96 SILVER, Columbus, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete: drawn only to be washed away. For the time i have been given, I am what I am." -Five Finger Death Punch

High and low these feelings blow. Good and bad they will show. They don't glow, but they fall like snow. Everyday, they even grow. Burned then turned the statement stays, "my life sucks in many ways." Everyday the words stay. Stay and play, as if these words were rays. Rays burning me down to the endless pit of nothing.

The author's comments:

For many years my parents have been trying to get me to express my feelings, and the only way I know how to do that is by writing.

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