Currentless River | Teen Ink

Currentless River

November 19, 2015
By CarlaBarinas SILVER, Santo Domingo, Other
CarlaBarinas SILVER, Santo Domingo, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

She was drowning
In a river of troubles
and misconceptions.

And unable to make herself swim.
Unable to rescue
The few drops of happiness
left in her body.
Unable to fix
Her hardworking hands
And rearrange her exhausted thoughts
When she most needed them.

She was drowning in a current less river.
Knowing that she wouldn't end up anywhere.
That there was no solution
For her to reach. 
Knowing that there would never be
Dirt beneath her feet.
No firm surface for her to walk on.

She was drowning and yet unable to die.
Unable to live.
Unable to suffer or grieve.

I am drowning in the misery you've created for me.

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