The Light of Our Lives | Teen Ink

The Light of Our Lives

May 19, 2016
By Marcellus BRONZE, Alachua, Florida
Marcellus BRONZE, Alachua, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never give up.<br /> Perserver through it all.

The Light of Our Lives

There are many lights in the world
From the sun in the sky to a lightbulb in a room
But there is one light that lives within us

Guiding us from the darkness and evil in our lives
Bringing love, joy, and peace to everyone
It can shine out of us through the most basic things

Though this light might be forgotten, rejected, or hated
But it will always be by your side through the tough and easy times
Ever so forgiving and merciful to all

It may bring blessings or curses to the deserving or not
This light will continue to love everyone as time goes on
But no matter what have faith in it

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