The Sky | Teen Ink

The Sky

December 8, 2017
By Keira.magus SILVER, Humboldt , Saskatchewan
Keira.magus SILVER, Humboldt , Saskatchewan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mood changes too fast to keep up with
Sometimes I question if I’ve been here too long
One day I’m warming the earth
The next my tears bring gloom to all
Every now and then I wish it would stop
But I can’t die without taking everyone with me
It’s like I have a suicide pact with the whole world
So I try my hardest to bring clear skies
However, lately it gets harder and harder
Nobody bothers to glance up and appreciate me anymore
The wondrous beauty I can bring to the night becomes lonesome
Although I keep fighting to have sunny days and starry nights
For those who care enough to look up
And it’s all that keeps me going
Until all my lights burn out

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