Every Christmas Eve | Teen Ink

Every Christmas Eve

December 18, 2017
By volleyball1315 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
volleyball1315 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every Christmas Eve, around 5 o’clock my family packs into the car and starts towards my grandma’s house.

Every Christmas Eve, as soon as we walk into my grandma’s house, everyone is right there to welcome us.

Every Christmas Eve, my family drives through all of the snowy weather to arrive at church for the live nativity that they play out every year.

Every Christmas Eve, we eat an amazing meal that my grandma has prepared for us.

Every Christmas Eve, we open gifts from each other and then get into our comfy pajamas and watch lots of wonderful,christmas movies all together.

Every Christmas Eve, we arrive home late at night and go right to bed excited for Christmas morning.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem because I wanted to share my family's Christmas Eve traditions also I love winter and Christmas time. 

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